Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sunday Scribblings.....Time Travel

Stolen moments were all we ever had together

the forbidden fruit that tasted so sweet

I would stare at you as if trying to memorise your face

to visualise you as I closed my eyes to dream

I wonder if you knew when you kissed me goodbye

that it would be the very last time

the last time our bodies would feel the wondrous

heat of passions longing

Time travels so slowly now

as my life stands still and

I wait for the call that never comes

Do you hear me crying in the midnight rain

or have you already forgotten that you loved me once?


Maree Jones said...

Sad, but haunting. Evocative. The image is perfectly suited to the poem - good choice. Great work, hope to read more!

Harmony said...

Thankyou so much Beautiful Witch. I appreciate your feedback.

anthonynorth said...

The sadness of despair. Very well put.

Karen said...

I'm flattered Anthony. I have seen you around as I've been lurking and value your opinion.

Anonymous said...

That image is riveting!! Is it yours??? the words/writing were excellent counterparts to that image. The protaganists standing in the rich and sad. great JOb!!

Karen said...

Amarettogirl - I wish I could take credit for the pic but no it was found on the net. Thankyou so much, I appreciate the feedback as I am new at fictional works.